Senator Watson’s Priorities

Tennessee Capitol

Fiscal Responsibility & Improving Economic Outlooks for Tennesseans

Sen. Watson will continue to prioritize fiscally sound decision making and ending needless government programs.

  • Sen. Watson will continue identifying opportunities to streamline and, where necessary, eliminate unnecessary programs that cost hard-earned, taxpayer dollars. Most recently, he led the effort to end the state’s mandatory vehicle emissions testing program alongside the late Representative Mike Carter. They proposed legislation in 2018 to end the testing, which was initially created to meet federal air quality standards. The Environmental Protection Agency recognized that testing is no longer necessary due to newer vehicle technology and cleaner fuels. They knew this as well as the burden on more vulnerable residents who couldn’t afford costly repairs due to the testing. Their legislation prompted the EPA to revise the state’s air quality plan.

  • Sen. Watson is passionate about supporting Tennesseans in their pursuit of self-sufficiency. His role in the signing of The Tennessee Opportunity Act in 2021 marked a significant benchmark in the pathway to prosperity for Tennesseans. The state’s ability to provide temporary assistance where it is needed the most – through financial support, childcare assistance, workforce development and other means – is critical to supporting low income, working families. Not only are families able to break the cycle of poverty through temporary assistance, but they are using surplus funds more effectively by engaging communities to apply for this funding based on evidenced. Their rigorous application process, ongoing evaluation and review by an advisory board ensure funding is being allocated where it is needed most and not wasted.

Elevating Literacy & Early Childhood Education

Sen. Watson will continue to place a heavy emphasis on the importance of elevating literacy.

  • Sen. Watson has presented the Literacy Summit to explore how the state of Tennessee, Hamilton County and other stakeholders can collectively achieve higher literacy outcomes through a strengthened and unified approach executing the state’s literacy plan. His team will continue to identify tangible opportunities to strengthen reading and writing skills among Tennessee youth.

  • Parents are the first teachers in the life of any child. The crucial early years of a child’s development are important to their future success. Sen. Watson is committed to helping empower families and parents to make decisions about their child's education and ensuring efficient use of taxpayer dollars in funding education.

  • When Sen. Watson took office over 20 years ago, Hamilton County students were inadequately funded. He made a promise to fix the BEP to bring the appropriate level of funding back to Hamilton County. To that end, he co-sponsored the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) legislation, which passed in 2022 and overhauled the state’s public education funding formula – it hadn’t been updated in about 30 years! He led a series of town hall meetings across District 11 to receive input from parents and others about what they wanted in a new funding formula. The resulting legislation was built on months of engagement and community input across Tennessee, and years of efforts to keep his promise to you.

“My priority as state senator is improving quality of life for all Tennesseans”

— Senator Bo Watson

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